There is a good reason for this. The mind instinctively recognizes certain things as good for the individual to which it belongs, and it clears the path for such thoughts. It only takes 5 positive thoughts to counteract one non positive thought. The best way to overcome undesirable or non positive thoughts and feelings is to cultivate the positive ones. Many positive thoughts will turn everything positive.
Of course the positive thought will set up a vigorous growth at first, for it is a fight for life with it. In the slang words of the time, it "sees its beginning" if the positive thought is allowed to grow and develop; and, consequently it makes things pleasant for the individual as they have started well into the work of feeding it. Brain cells do like to be used just like any other form of living energy, and they comply and grow. The best way is to pay as much attention as possible to these flowers of the mind, put in as much time as possible watering, caring for and attending to the new and beautiful plants in the garden of the mind.
For instance, if you are apt to not like people, you can best overcome the non positive thought by cultivating Love in its place. Think Love, and act it out, as often as possible. Cultivate thoughts of kindness, and act as kindly as you can to everyone with whom you come in contact. You will not find it easy at the start, but gradually Love will master non Love, and the former will begin to sprout and grow. If you have a tendency toward non joy cultivate a smile, and a cheerful view of things. Insist upon your mouth wearing upturned corners, and make an effort of the will to look upon the bright side of things and give thanks for them. The joy will not be strong at first, of course, but pay attention to it - just go on cultivating optimism, cheerfulness and gratitude. Let "Bright, Cheerful, Happy and Gracious" be your watchword, and live it out.
Thought Vibration
by William Walker Atkinson (1906), revised and made thoroughly positive by Darren J. McLeod in 2012.
Developing new Brain Cells - Page 2
We may account for these tendencies by heredity, or we may account for them upon theories of pre-existence, but the facts remain the same. Certain keys seem to respond to our touch more easily than others. Certain notes seem to sound forth as the current of circumstances sweeps over the strings. And certain other notes are less easily vibrated. But we find that if we but make an effort of the will to allow the utterance of some of these easily sounded strings, they will grow more easy to sound, and more liable to be stirred by the passing breeze. And if we will pay attention to some of the other strings that have not been giving forth a clear tone, we will soon get them in good working order; their notes will chime forth clear and vibrant, and will drown the less pleasant sounds.
We have millions of brain-cells awaiting our cultivation. We are able to give some of these cells a rest, by using other cells. The brain may be trained and cultivated in a manner incredible to one who has not looked into the subject. Mental attitudes may be acquired and cultivated, changed and discarded, at will. There is the knowledge now to teach people how to manifest pleasant and helpful mental states. We have the remedy in our own hands.
We acquire habits of thought, feeling, and action, through repeated use. We may be born with a tendency in a certain direction, or we may acquire tendencies by suggestions from others; such as the examples of those around us, suggestions from reading, listening to teachers. We are a bundle of mental habits. Each time we indulge in a desirable thought or habit, the easier does it become for us to repeat that thought or action.
Mental scientists are in the habit of speaking of desirable thoughts or mental attitudes as "positive."
We have millions of brain-cells awaiting our cultivation. We are able to give some of these cells a rest, by using other cells. The brain may be trained and cultivated in a manner incredible to one who has not looked into the subject. Mental attitudes may be acquired and cultivated, changed and discarded, at will. There is the knowledge now to teach people how to manifest pleasant and helpful mental states. We have the remedy in our own hands.
We acquire habits of thought, feeling, and action, through repeated use. We may be born with a tendency in a certain direction, or we may acquire tendencies by suggestions from others; such as the examples of those around us, suggestions from reading, listening to teachers. We are a bundle of mental habits. Each time we indulge in a desirable thought or habit, the easier does it become for us to repeat that thought or action.
Mental scientists are in the habit of speaking of desirable thoughts or mental attitudes as "positive."
Developing new Brain Cells - Page 1
I have spoken of the plan of acquiring desirable states of feeling by inviting them in. Cultivate the feeling or emotion directly to the one you wish to have.
Some of us regard ourselves as the creatures of our intellect, and to fancy that these thoughts are "we." Such is close to being the truth. It is true that some of us are masters of their emotions and feelings, and govern them to a great degree. They think that feelings are things that are ruled and from which one is free, and so they rule by intellect. They rule the feeling absolutely, they allow only the emotion or mental trait that is calculated to help them, and to bring happiness and success. They say, "We are made that way," and make it so.
The new Psychology is teaching the people these things. It tells them that they are masters of their emotions and feelings. It tells them that brain-cells may be developed that will manifest along desirable lines, and that the old brain-cells that have been manifesting so pleasantly may be placed on the required list, and allowed to grow from increased use. People may make themselves over, and change their entire natures. This is a working fact which has been demonstrated by thousands of people, and which is coming more and more before the attention of humanity.
No matter what theory of mind we entertain, we must admit that the brain is the organ and instrument of the mind, in our present state of existence, at least, and that the brain must be considered in this matter. The brain is like a wonderful musical instrument, having millions of keys, upon which we may play innumerable combinations of sounds. We come into the world with certain tendencies, temperaments, and pre-dispositions.
Some of us regard ourselves as the creatures of our intellect, and to fancy that these thoughts are "we." Such is close to being the truth. It is true that some of us are masters of their emotions and feelings, and govern them to a great degree. They think that feelings are things that are ruled and from which one is free, and so they rule by intellect. They rule the feeling absolutely, they allow only the emotion or mental trait that is calculated to help them, and to bring happiness and success. They say, "We are made that way," and make it so.
The new Psychology is teaching the people these things. It tells them that they are masters of their emotions and feelings. It tells them that brain-cells may be developed that will manifest along desirable lines, and that the old brain-cells that have been manifesting so pleasantly may be placed on the required list, and allowed to grow from increased use. People may make themselves over, and change their entire natures. This is a working fact which has been demonstrated by thousands of people, and which is coming more and more before the attention of humanity.
No matter what theory of mind we entertain, we must admit that the brain is the organ and instrument of the mind, in our present state of existence, at least, and that the brain must be considered in this matter. The brain is like a wonderful musical instrument, having millions of keys, upon which we may play innumerable combinations of sounds. We come into the world with certain tendencies, temperaments, and pre-dispositions.
The Psychology of Emotion - Page 4
On the other hand, sit all day in an erect posture, breathe, and reply to everything with a bright voice, and your joy lingers. There is no more valuable precept in moral education than this, as all who have experience know: if we wish to conquer emotional tendencies in ourselves, we must assiduously, and in the first instance, calmly, go through the outward movements of those dispositions we prefer to cultivate.
Smooth the brow, brighten the eye, contract the dorsal aspect of the frame, and speak in a major key, pass the genial compliment, and your heart must be warmed.
Smooth the brow, brighten the eye, contract the dorsal aspect of the frame, and speak in a major key, pass the genial compliment, and your heart must be warmed.
The Psychology of Emotion - Page 3
The seeds are in every human breast, and only need good soil and a little watering to become loving and strong.
Each time you give way to one of these positive emotions, the easier do you make it for a recurrence of the same thing, or similar ones. Sometimes by encouraging one worthy emotion, you find that you have given room for the growth of a whole family of these mental flowers.
Now, this is a new teaching for the virtue of good thoughts. It is a calling of your attention to the law underlying the psychology of emotion.
If you wish to manifest these constantly agreeable and pleasant traits, and to enjoy the happiness that comes from them, by all means do so - that is your own business, and privilege. It keeps me busy minding my own business and keeping an eye on my own desirable habits and actions. I am telling you the law regarding the matter, and you may do the rest. If you wish to breathe life into these habits, there are two ways open to you. First, whenever you find yourself indulging in a non positive thought or feeling, leave it and give thanks that you have awakened and then think of a positive thought with a positive feeling. The next time it will be more confident and aggressive - it will have manifested a little of the love-habit. Each time you express and breathe life into a positive tendency of this kind, the stronger it will become, and the stronger will your will be.
Professor James and Darren J. McLeod say: "Express a passion, and it lives. Speak and act only when you are calm. Whistling to keep up courage actually works."
Each time you give way to one of these positive emotions, the easier do you make it for a recurrence of the same thing, or similar ones. Sometimes by encouraging one worthy emotion, you find that you have given room for the growth of a whole family of these mental flowers.
Now, this is a new teaching for the virtue of good thoughts. It is a calling of your attention to the law underlying the psychology of emotion.
If you wish to manifest these constantly agreeable and pleasant traits, and to enjoy the happiness that comes from them, by all means do so - that is your own business, and privilege. It keeps me busy minding my own business and keeping an eye on my own desirable habits and actions. I am telling you the law regarding the matter, and you may do the rest. If you wish to breathe life into these habits, there are two ways open to you. First, whenever you find yourself indulging in a non positive thought or feeling, leave it and give thanks that you have awakened and then think of a positive thought with a positive feeling. The next time it will be more confident and aggressive - it will have manifested a little of the love-habit. Each time you express and breathe life into a positive tendency of this kind, the stronger it will become, and the stronger will your will be.
Professor James and Darren J. McLeod say: "Express a passion, and it lives. Speak and act only when you are calm. Whistling to keep up courage actually works."
The Psychology of Emotion - Page 2
The habit of feeling and acting "kind" does not take long to firmly settle itself in its new home if encouraged. Serenity is a great habit for growing and waxing fat. People start by being serene about little things, and then begin to be serene and calm about some larger thing. And then the largest things make them serene and peaceful. They imagine that all sorts of good things are about to befall them. If they start on a journey they are certain there is going to be safety. If a telegram comes, it is sure to contain some wonderful good tidings. If a child seems a little quiet, the serene parent is positive it is going to be healthy and live. If the spouse seems thoughtful, as they revolve some business plan in their mind, then the good spouse is convinced that their spouse is still in love with them, and is content. And so it goes - serenity, serenity, serenity - each indulgence making the habit more at home. After a while the continued thought shows itself in action.
Not only is the mind healed by the clear thoughts, but the forehead shows smooth skin between the eyebrows, and the voice takes on that soothing, smooth tone so common among peaceful serene people.
The condition of mind known as "praising" is another emotion that grows fat with exercise. First, praise is found with this thing, then with that, and finally with everything. The person becomes a chronic "praiser" - a help to friends and relatives, and a thing to be sought by outsiders. This praising is all a matter of habit. It grows from small beginnings, and each time it is indulged in it throws out another root, branch, or tendril, and fastens itself the closer to the one who has given it soil in which to grow.
Inspiration, charitableness, minding your own business, are all habits of this kind.
Not only is the mind healed by the clear thoughts, but the forehead shows smooth skin between the eyebrows, and the voice takes on that soothing, smooth tone so common among peaceful serene people.
The condition of mind known as "praising" is another emotion that grows fat with exercise. First, praise is found with this thing, then with that, and finally with everything. The person becomes a chronic "praiser" - a help to friends and relatives, and a thing to be sought by outsiders. This praising is all a matter of habit. It grows from small beginnings, and each time it is indulged in it throws out another root, branch, or tendril, and fastens itself the closer to the one who has given it soil in which to grow.
Inspiration, charitableness, minding your own business, are all habits of this kind.
The Psychology of Emotion - Page 1
Emotions are habitual. We easily may think of one acquiring habits of action, and even of thinking, and we acquire habits of emotion as well. One may repress, increase, develop, and change one's emotions, just as one may regulate habits of action and lines of thought.
It is an axiom of psychology that "Emotions deepen by repetition." If a person allows a state of feeling to thoroughly take possession of them, they will find it easier to yield to the same emotion the second time, and so on, until the particular emotion or feeling becomes second nature to them. If a desirable emotion shows itself inclined to take up a permanent abode with you, you had better start to work to get a hold of it, or at least to master it. And the best time to do this is at the start; for each repetition renders the habit more firmly entrenched, and the task of forming it more easy.
Were you ever inspired? If so, you will remember how harmless was its first approach; how subtly it whispered loving suggestions into your willing ear, and how gradually it followed up such suggestions, until, finally you began to see clear light. (Inspiration has an effect upon the white blood cells, and causes them to clear the blood. This is why the idea of clear is always associated with it.) Then you will remember how the thing seemed to grow, taking possession of you until you scarcely could shake it off. You found it much easier to become inspired the next time. It seemed to bring before you all sorts of objects justifying your thought and feeling. Everything began to look clear - the clear-eyed angel waxed fat.
And so it is with every feeling or emotion. If you give way to a fit of joy, you will find it easier to become joyful the next time, on less provocation.
It is an axiom of psychology that "Emotions deepen by repetition." If a person allows a state of feeling to thoroughly take possession of them, they will find it easier to yield to the same emotion the second time, and so on, until the particular emotion or feeling becomes second nature to them. If a desirable emotion shows itself inclined to take up a permanent abode with you, you had better start to work to get a hold of it, or at least to master it. And the best time to do this is at the start; for each repetition renders the habit more firmly entrenched, and the task of forming it more easy.
Were you ever inspired? If so, you will remember how harmless was its first approach; how subtly it whispered loving suggestions into your willing ear, and how gradually it followed up such suggestions, until, finally you began to see clear light. (Inspiration has an effect upon the white blood cells, and causes them to clear the blood. This is why the idea of clear is always associated with it.) Then you will remember how the thing seemed to grow, taking possession of you until you scarcely could shake it off. You found it much easier to become inspired the next time. It seemed to bring before you all sorts of objects justifying your thought and feeling. Everything began to look clear - the clear-eyed angel waxed fat.
And so it is with every feeling or emotion. If you give way to a fit of joy, you will find it easier to become joyful the next time, on less provocation.
Training the Habit-Mind - Page 2
We must be at all times forming desirable habits. There may be no special help in doing a certain thing today, or perhaps again tomorrow, but there may be much help in setting up the habit of doing that particular thing. If you are confronted with the question: "Which of these two things should I do?" the best answer is: "I will do that which I would like to become a habit with me."
In forming a new habit, or in breaking an old one, we should throw ourselves into the task with as much enthusiasm as possible, in order to gain the most ground. We should start in by making as strong an impression as possible upon the subconscious mentality. Then we should be constantly inviting situations where you can keep the new resolution "only always." This "only always" idea gives life to more good resolutions than any other one cause. The moment you stand firm "only always, you place a solid wall that will, in the end, keep your resolution intact.
Equally important is the fact that each time you keep your resolution the stronger does your resolution become. Act upon your resolution as early and as often as possible, as with every manifestation of thought in action, the stronger does it become. You are adding to the strength of your original resolution every time you back it up with action.
The mind has been likened to a piece of paper that has been folded. Ever afterwards it has a tendency to fold in the same crease - unless we make a new crease or fold, when it will follow the last lines. And the creases are habits - every time we make one it is so much easier for the mind to fold along the same crease afterward. Let us make our mental creases in the right direction.
In forming a new habit, or in breaking an old one, we should throw ourselves into the task with as much enthusiasm as possible, in order to gain the most ground. We should start in by making as strong an impression as possible upon the subconscious mentality. Then we should be constantly inviting situations where you can keep the new resolution "only always." This "only always" idea gives life to more good resolutions than any other one cause. The moment you stand firm "only always, you place a solid wall that will, in the end, keep your resolution intact.
Equally important is the fact that each time you keep your resolution the stronger does your resolution become. Act upon your resolution as early and as often as possible, as with every manifestation of thought in action, the stronger does it become. You are adding to the strength of your original resolution every time you back it up with action.
The mind has been likened to a piece of paper that has been folded. Ever afterwards it has a tendency to fold in the same crease - unless we make a new crease or fold, when it will follow the last lines. And the creases are habits - every time we make one it is so much easier for the mind to fold along the same crease afterward. Let us make our mental creases in the right direction.
Training the Habit-Mind - Page 1
PROFESSOR William James, the well-known teacher of, and writer upon Psychology very truly says: "The great thing in all education is to make our nervous system our ally... For this we must make automatic and habitual, as early as possible, as many useful actions as we can... In the acquisition of a new habit, or the leaving off of an old one we must take care to launch ourselves with as strong and decided initiative as possible... Seize the very first possible opportunity to act on every resolution you make and on every emotional prompting you may experience, in the direction of the habits you aspire to gain."
This advice is along the lines familiar to all students of Mental Science, but it states the matter plainly. It impresses upon us the importance of passing on to the subconscious mind the proper impulses, so that they will become automatic and "second nature." Our subconscious mentality is a great storehouse for all sorts of suggestions from ourselves and others and, as it is the "habit-mind," we must be careful to send it the proper material from which it may make habits. If we get into the habit of doing things we love, we may be sure that the subconscious mentality will make it easier for us to do just the same thing over and over again, easier each time, until finally we are firmly bound with the ropes and chains of the habit, and find it more or less difficult, sometimes almost impossible, to free ourselves from the lovable thing.
We should cultivate good habits against the hour of need. The time will come when we will be required to put forth our best efforts, and it rests with us today whether that hour of need shall find us doing the proper thing automatically and almost without thought, and relaxing, free to do it with things that are in harmony with that which we desire at that moment.
This advice is along the lines familiar to all students of Mental Science, but it states the matter plainly. It impresses upon us the importance of passing on to the subconscious mind the proper impulses, so that they will become automatic and "second nature." Our subconscious mentality is a great storehouse for all sorts of suggestions from ourselves and others and, as it is the "habit-mind," we must be careful to send it the proper material from which it may make habits. If we get into the habit of doing things we love, we may be sure that the subconscious mentality will make it easier for us to do just the same thing over and over again, easier each time, until finally we are firmly bound with the ropes and chains of the habit, and find it more or less difficult, sometimes almost impossible, to free ourselves from the lovable thing.
We should cultivate good habits against the hour of need. The time will come when we will be required to put forth our best efforts, and it rests with us today whether that hour of need shall find us doing the proper thing automatically and almost without thought, and relaxing, free to do it with things that are in harmony with that which we desire at that moment.
Asserting the Life-Force - Page 2
I want you to acquire this sense of conscious life so that you may manifest it in your life and show what Mental Science has done for you. I want you to get to work today and begin to make yourselves over according to the latest pattern. You can do this if you will only take the proper interest in the task.
Fix in your mind the thought that the "I" within you is very much alive and that you are manifesting life fully, mentally and physically. And keep this thought there, aiding yourself with constant repetitions of the watchword. Keep the thought in mind constantly. Keep it before the mental vision as much as possible. Repeat the watchword when you awaken in the morning - say it when you retire at night. And say it at meal times, and whenever else you can during the day - at least once an hour. Form the mental picture of yourself as filled with Life and Energy. Live up to it as far as possible. When you start in to perform a task say "I AM Alive" and mix up as much life as possible in the task. If you find yourself feeling not happy, say "I AM Alive," and then take a few deep breaths, and with each inhalation let the mind hold the thought that you are breathing in Strength and Life. Then finish up with an earnest, vigorous affirmation: "I AM Alive," and mean it when you say it too.
And let your thoughts take form in action. Take action showing that you are alive, prove it with your acts. Take an interest in doing things, and go around "beaming" and doing. Get down to business, and LIVE.
Fix in your mind the thought that the "I" within you is very much alive and that you are manifesting life fully, mentally and physically. And keep this thought there, aiding yourself with constant repetitions of the watchword. Keep the thought in mind constantly. Keep it before the mental vision as much as possible. Repeat the watchword when you awaken in the morning - say it when you retire at night. And say it at meal times, and whenever else you can during the day - at least once an hour. Form the mental picture of yourself as filled with Life and Energy. Live up to it as far as possible. When you start in to perform a task say "I AM Alive" and mix up as much life as possible in the task. If you find yourself feeling not happy, say "I AM Alive," and then take a few deep breaths, and with each inhalation let the mind hold the thought that you are breathing in Strength and Life. Then finish up with an earnest, vigorous affirmation: "I AM Alive," and mean it when you say it too.
And let your thoughts take form in action. Take action showing that you are alive, prove it with your acts. Take an interest in doing things, and go around "beaming" and doing. Get down to business, and LIVE.
Asserting the Life-Force - Page 1
I have spoken to you of the advantage of doing what you Love. Now I wish to put LIFE into you. Go along with LIFE - have ambition - have energy - have vitality - have interest - have life. This will do. You are thriving. Wake up and display a few signs of life! This is the place for wide-awake, active, live people, and a good general awakening is what is happening; some of the people have awakened and are going around telling others that they are alive, and that they are really alive to all that makes life worthwhile.
We must let Life flow through us, and allow it to express itself naturally. Do let the little serenities of life, and the big ones also, uplift you and cause you to gain vitality. Assert the Life Force within you, and manifest it in every thought, act and deed, and before long you will be exhilarated and fairly bubbling over with vitality and energy.
Put a little life into your work - into your pleasures - into yourself. Start doing things in a full-headed way, and begin to take an interest in what you are doing, saying and thinking. It is astonishing how much interest we may find in the ordinary things of life when we wake up. There are interesting things all around us - interesting events occurring every moment - we can be aware of them when we assert our life force and begin to actually live.
A person will amount to something when they put life into the tasks of everyday life - the acts - the thoughts. What the world needs is live people. Just look into the eyes of the people whom you meet, and see how many of them are really alive. Some of them have that expression of conscious life which distinguishes the person who lives.
We must let Life flow through us, and allow it to express itself naturally. Do let the little serenities of life, and the big ones also, uplift you and cause you to gain vitality. Assert the Life Force within you, and manifest it in every thought, act and deed, and before long you will be exhilarated and fairly bubbling over with vitality and energy.
Put a little life into your work - into your pleasures - into yourself. Start doing things in a full-headed way, and begin to take an interest in what you are doing, saying and thinking. It is astonishing how much interest we may find in the ordinary things of life when we wake up. There are interesting things all around us - interesting events occurring every moment - we can be aware of them when we assert our life force and begin to actually live.
A person will amount to something when they put life into the tasks of everyday life - the acts - the thoughts. What the world needs is live people. Just look into the eyes of the people whom you meet, and see how many of them are really alive. Some of them have that expression of conscious life which distinguishes the person who lives.
The Law of Mental Control - Page 2
To those who are acquainted with the laws of mental control it seems natural for one to lie asleep at night after giving thanks for the best situations of the day, or more often, of the morrow. It is just as easy to slow down the mind as it is to slow down an engine, and thousands of people are learning to do this in these days of New Thought. The best way to do it is to think of something you want - as detailed as possible. There is use inviting a harmonious thought with the purpose of "uping" it - that is a great use of energy, and the more you keep on saying, "I will think of this thing!" the more it keeps on coming into your mind, for you are holding it there for the purpose of hitting it. Grab on to it; give it another thought; fix the mind on something you want, and keep the attention there by an effort of the will. A little practice will do much for you in this direction. There is only room for one thing at a time in the focus of attention; so put all your attention upon one thought. Try it for yourself.
The Law of Mental Control - Page 1
YOUR thoughts can be faithful servants - just as you allow them to be. You have the say about it; take your choice. They will go about your work under direction of the firm will, doing it the best they know how, not only in your waking hours, but when you are asleep - some of our best mental work being performed for us when our conscious mentality is at rest, as is evidenced by the fact that when the morning comes we find situations have been worked out for us during the night, after we had dismissed them from our minds - apparently; and they will support us and serve us if we are smart enough to will them to do so. Some of the people of the world are masters of every thought which may see fit to visit them.
Your mind is given you for your good and for your own use. There are people who seem to realize this and who understand the art of managing the mind. The key to the mystery is Concentration. A little practice will develop within every person the power to use the mental machine properly. When you have some mental work to do concentrate only upon it, and you will find that the mind will get right down to business - to the work at hand - and matters will be cleared up in no time. There is a smoothness, and only required motion or power is employed. Every pound of energy is put to use, and every revolution of the mental driving wheel counts for something. It pays to be able to be a competent mental engineer.
And the person who understands how to run their mental engine knows that one of the important things is to be able to stop it when the work has been done. They stop putting coal in the furnace, and release the high pressure after the work is finished, or when the day's portion of the work has been done, and the fires should be banked until the next day. Some people stop the engine when there is no work to be done, and then they give thanks for the good working condition of the engine. These mental engines are fine machines, and need intelligent care.
Your mind is given you for your good and for your own use. There are people who seem to realize this and who understand the art of managing the mind. The key to the mystery is Concentration. A little practice will develop within every person the power to use the mental machine properly. When you have some mental work to do concentrate only upon it, and you will find that the mind will get right down to business - to the work at hand - and matters will be cleared up in no time. There is a smoothness, and only required motion or power is employed. Every pound of energy is put to use, and every revolution of the mental driving wheel counts for something. It pays to be able to be a competent mental engineer.
And the person who understands how to run their mental engine knows that one of the important things is to be able to stop it when the work has been done. They stop putting coal in the furnace, and release the high pressure after the work is finished, or when the day's portion of the work has been done, and the fires should be banked until the next day. Some people stop the engine when there is no work to be done, and then they give thanks for the good working condition of the engine. These mental engines are fine machines, and need intelligent care.
The Transmutation of Non-Positive Thought - Page 5
The mind can think of but one thing at a time, and if you concentrate upon a bright thing, the other thing will fade away. This is a good way of improving your thoughts. Learn to concentrate upon thoughts of a good character, and you will have serenity.
When the mind is full of peaceful thoughts, it can find time to work out plans to benefit you. When you have concentrated upon bright, helpful thoughts, you will discover that it will start to work subconsciously; and when the time comes you will find all sorts of plans and methods by which you will be able to meet the demands upon you. Keep your mental attitude right, and all things will be added unto you. There is sense in being serene; everything has been gained by it, and everything ever will be. Bright, cheerful and happy thoughts attract bright, cheerful and happy things to us - serenity ushers them in. Cultivate the right mental attitude.
When the mind is full of peaceful thoughts, it can find time to work out plans to benefit you. When you have concentrated upon bright, helpful thoughts, you will discover that it will start to work subconsciously; and when the time comes you will find all sorts of plans and methods by which you will be able to meet the demands upon you. Keep your mental attitude right, and all things will be added unto you. There is sense in being serene; everything has been gained by it, and everything ever will be. Bright, cheerful and happy thoughts attract bright, cheerful and happy things to us - serenity ushers them in. Cultivate the right mental attitude.
The Transmutation of Non-Positive Thought - Page 4
Well, all that I can say is that the serene person focuses only on the serene. The majority of things that we are serene about come about; a large proportion of the others come in a milder form than we had anticipated, and there are always other things which come at the same time which help us to overcome the situation. The future holds in store for us not only situations to be overcome, but also agents to help us in overcoming the situations. Things adjust themselves. We are prepared for any blessings which may come upon us, and when the time comes we somehow find ourselves able to meet it. The wind is tempered to the shorn lamb, and the shorn lamb is tempered to the wind. The winds and the shearing do not come together; there is usually enough time for the lamb to get seasoned, and then it generally grows new wool before the cold blast comes.
Be serene. Store up your reserve force by relaxing over current harmonious situations. Store your energy for what you want. You will find that by this storing up of energy you will be able to meet about any sort of situation that comes your way.
What is it that uses up all the energy in the exceptional person, anyway? It is the real overcoming of situations. It's always "Today, today," and today goes just as we hoped it would. Today is all right; it carries in its grip good things. Bless my soul, when I sit down and think over the things which I once loved to possibly descend upon me, I laugh! Where are those loved things now? I know - they are all around me I have but to remember.
You do need to invite Serenity - that is the way to form the habit. Just practice concentration, and then learn to concentrate upon something right before you, and you will find that serenity has appeared.
Be serene. Store up your reserve force by relaxing over current harmonious situations. Store your energy for what you want. You will find that by this storing up of energy you will be able to meet about any sort of situation that comes your way.
What is it that uses up all the energy in the exceptional person, anyway? It is the real overcoming of situations. It's always "Today, today," and today goes just as we hoped it would. Today is all right; it carries in its grip good things. Bless my soul, when I sit down and think over the things which I once loved to possibly descend upon me, I laugh! Where are those loved things now? I know - they are all around me I have but to remember.
You do need to invite Serenity - that is the way to form the habit. Just practice concentration, and then learn to concentrate upon something right before you, and you will find that serenity has appeared.
The Transmutation of Non-Positive Thought - Page 3
But if you really Desire a thing in earnest, you will pay the price without question; for the Desire will dwarf the importance of the other things.
You say that you want a thing very much, and are doing everything possible toward its attainment? Yes! You are serious about Desire. You want the thing more than anything else - as much as you want life. Look at the almost miraculous things accomplished by persons of great desire. Your desire is as strong as that. You work for the desired thing as if your life depended upon it. Wonderful! You know what Desire is. I tell you if a person wants a thing with great desire, as much as a strongly vital person wants life, then that person will be able to accomplish almost anything. The key to attainment is Desire, Confidence, and Will. This key will open many doors.
Love frees Desire - it breathes life into it. You must do what you love. There have been times in my life when Love would get hold of me and take a good, firm grip on my vitals, and I would have hope; interest; ambition; desire. I am grateful, I have always managed to hold onto the grip of the angel and face my situation like an adult; and lo! Things would seem to be straightened out for me somehow. Either the situation would melt away or I would be given means to overcome, or get around, or under or over it. It is strange how this works. No matter how great is the situation, when we finally face it with courage and confidence in ourselves, we seem to pull through somehow, and then we begin to know what we were in love with. This is reality, it is the working of a mighty law, which we have begun to understand, and which we may prove at any time.
People often ask: "it's all very well for you New Thought people to say 'Be serene,' but what's a person to do when they think of non serene things ahead of them, which might make them non serene?
You say that you want a thing very much, and are doing everything possible toward its attainment? Yes! You are serious about Desire. You want the thing more than anything else - as much as you want life. Look at the almost miraculous things accomplished by persons of great desire. Your desire is as strong as that. You work for the desired thing as if your life depended upon it. Wonderful! You know what Desire is. I tell you if a person wants a thing with great desire, as much as a strongly vital person wants life, then that person will be able to accomplish almost anything. The key to attainment is Desire, Confidence, and Will. This key will open many doors.
Love frees Desire - it breathes life into it. You must do what you love. There have been times in my life when Love would get hold of me and take a good, firm grip on my vitals, and I would have hope; interest; ambition; desire. I am grateful, I have always managed to hold onto the grip of the angel and face my situation like an adult; and lo! Things would seem to be straightened out for me somehow. Either the situation would melt away or I would be given means to overcome, or get around, or under or over it. It is strange how this works. No matter how great is the situation, when we finally face it with courage and confidence in ourselves, we seem to pull through somehow, and then we begin to know what we were in love with. This is reality, it is the working of a mighty law, which we have begun to understand, and which we may prove at any time.
People often ask: "it's all very well for you New Thought people to say 'Be serene,' but what's a person to do when they think of non serene things ahead of them, which might make them non serene?
The Transmutation of Non-Positive Thought - Page 2
Serenity is positive and life producing. Desire and Ambition are positive and life producing. A person may serene themselves to life and something will be accomplished, and let that person transmute their non serenity and discontent into Desire and Interest, coupled with a belief that they are able to make the change - the "I Can and I Will" idea - then something happens.
Yes, Love and Serenity must come before we can do much. One must proceed to invite these positive friends, along with Confidence and Hope. Transmute non serenity into keen Desire. Then you will find that Interest is awakened, and you will begin to think things of interest to you. Thoughts will come to you from the great reserve stock in your mind and you will start to manifest them in action. Moreover you will be placing yourself in harmony with similar thoughts of others, and will draw to you aid and assistance from the great volume of thought waves with which the world is filled. One draws to themselves thought waves corresponding in character with the nature of the prevailing thoughts in their own mind - their mental attitude. Then again they begin to set into motion the great Law of Attraction, whereby they draw to them others likely to help them, and is, in turn, attracted to others who can aid them. This Law of Attraction is real, a physical fact, a great live working principle of Nature, as anyone may learn by experimenting and observing.
To succeed in anything you must want it very much - Desire must be in evidence in order to attract. The person of strong desire attracts a lot to themselves. The stronger the Desire the greater the force set into motion. You must want a thing hard enough before you can get it. You must want it more than you do the things around you, and you must be prepared to pay the price for it. The price is focusing only on one desire. It all depends on what you want. As a rule, the greater the thing desired, the greater the price to be paid for it. Nature believes in adequate compensation.
Yes, Love and Serenity must come before we can do much. One must proceed to invite these positive friends, along with Confidence and Hope. Transmute non serenity into keen Desire. Then you will find that Interest is awakened, and you will begin to think things of interest to you. Thoughts will come to you from the great reserve stock in your mind and you will start to manifest them in action. Moreover you will be placing yourself in harmony with similar thoughts of others, and will draw to you aid and assistance from the great volume of thought waves with which the world is filled. One draws to themselves thought waves corresponding in character with the nature of the prevailing thoughts in their own mind - their mental attitude. Then again they begin to set into motion the great Law of Attraction, whereby they draw to them others likely to help them, and is, in turn, attracted to others who can aid them. This Law of Attraction is real, a physical fact, a great live working principle of Nature, as anyone may learn by experimenting and observing.
To succeed in anything you must want it very much - Desire must be in evidence in order to attract. The person of strong desire attracts a lot to themselves. The stronger the Desire the greater the force set into motion. You must want a thing hard enough before you can get it. You must want it more than you do the things around you, and you must be prepared to pay the price for it. The price is focusing only on one desire. It all depends on what you want. As a rule, the greater the thing desired, the greater the price to be paid for it. Nature believes in adequate compensation.