The habit of feeling and acting "kind" does not take long to firmly settle itself in its new home if encouraged. Serenity is a great habit for growing and waxing fat. People start by being serene about little things, and then begin to be serene and calm about some larger thing. And then the largest things make them serene and peaceful. They imagine that all sorts of good things are about to befall them. If they start on a journey they are certain there is going to be safety. If a telegram comes, it is sure to contain some wonderful good tidings. If a child seems a little quiet, the serene parent is positive it is going to be healthy and live. If the spouse seems thoughtful, as they revolve some business plan in their mind, then the good spouse is convinced that their spouse is still in love with them, and is content. And so it goes - serenity, serenity, serenity - each indulgence making the habit more at home. After a while the continued thought shows itself in action.
Not only is the mind healed by the clear thoughts, but the forehead shows smooth skin between the eyebrows, and the voice takes on that soothing, smooth tone so common among peaceful serene people.
The condition of mind known as "praising" is another emotion that grows fat with exercise. First, praise is found with this thing, then with that, and finally with everything. The person becomes a chronic "praiser" - a help to friends and relatives, and a thing to be sought by outsiders. This praising is all a matter of habit. It grows from small beginnings, and each time it is indulged in it throws out another root, branch, or tendril, and fastens itself the closer to the one who has given it soil in which to grow.
Inspiration, charitableness, minding your own business, are all habits of this kind.
Thought Vibration
by William Walker Atkinson (1906), revised and made thoroughly positive by Darren J. McLeod in 2012.
The Psychology of Emotion - Page 1
Emotions are habitual. We easily may think of one acquiring habits of action, and even of thinking, and we acquire habits of emotion as well. One may repress, increase, develop, and change one's emotions, just as one may regulate habits of action and lines of thought.
It is an axiom of psychology that "Emotions deepen by repetition." If a person allows a state of feeling to thoroughly take possession of them, they will find it easier to yield to the same emotion the second time, and so on, until the particular emotion or feeling becomes second nature to them. If a desirable emotion shows itself inclined to take up a permanent abode with you, you had better start to work to get a hold of it, or at least to master it. And the best time to do this is at the start; for each repetition renders the habit more firmly entrenched, and the task of forming it more easy.
Were you ever inspired? If so, you will remember how harmless was its first approach; how subtly it whispered loving suggestions into your willing ear, and how gradually it followed up such suggestions, until, finally you began to see clear light. (Inspiration has an effect upon the white blood cells, and causes them to clear the blood. This is why the idea of clear is always associated with it.) Then you will remember how the thing seemed to grow, taking possession of you until you scarcely could shake it off. You found it much easier to become inspired the next time. It seemed to bring before you all sorts of objects justifying your thought and feeling. Everything began to look clear - the clear-eyed angel waxed fat.
And so it is with every feeling or emotion. If you give way to a fit of joy, you will find it easier to become joyful the next time, on less provocation.
It is an axiom of psychology that "Emotions deepen by repetition." If a person allows a state of feeling to thoroughly take possession of them, they will find it easier to yield to the same emotion the second time, and so on, until the particular emotion or feeling becomes second nature to them. If a desirable emotion shows itself inclined to take up a permanent abode with you, you had better start to work to get a hold of it, or at least to master it. And the best time to do this is at the start; for each repetition renders the habit more firmly entrenched, and the task of forming it more easy.
Were you ever inspired? If so, you will remember how harmless was its first approach; how subtly it whispered loving suggestions into your willing ear, and how gradually it followed up such suggestions, until, finally you began to see clear light. (Inspiration has an effect upon the white blood cells, and causes them to clear the blood. This is why the idea of clear is always associated with it.) Then you will remember how the thing seemed to grow, taking possession of you until you scarcely could shake it off. You found it much easier to become inspired the next time. It seemed to bring before you all sorts of objects justifying your thought and feeling. Everything began to look clear - the clear-eyed angel waxed fat.
And so it is with every feeling or emotion. If you give way to a fit of joy, you will find it easier to become joyful the next time, on less provocation.
Training the Habit-Mind - Page 2
We must be at all times forming desirable habits. There may be no special help in doing a certain thing today, or perhaps again tomorrow, but there may be much help in setting up the habit of doing that particular thing. If you are confronted with the question: "Which of these two things should I do?" the best answer is: "I will do that which I would like to become a habit with me."
In forming a new habit, or in breaking an old one, we should throw ourselves into the task with as much enthusiasm as possible, in order to gain the most ground. We should start in by making as strong an impression as possible upon the subconscious mentality. Then we should be constantly inviting situations where you can keep the new resolution "only always." This "only always" idea gives life to more good resolutions than any other one cause. The moment you stand firm "only always, you place a solid wall that will, in the end, keep your resolution intact.
Equally important is the fact that each time you keep your resolution the stronger does your resolution become. Act upon your resolution as early and as often as possible, as with every manifestation of thought in action, the stronger does it become. You are adding to the strength of your original resolution every time you back it up with action.
The mind has been likened to a piece of paper that has been folded. Ever afterwards it has a tendency to fold in the same crease - unless we make a new crease or fold, when it will follow the last lines. And the creases are habits - every time we make one it is so much easier for the mind to fold along the same crease afterward. Let us make our mental creases in the right direction.
In forming a new habit, or in breaking an old one, we should throw ourselves into the task with as much enthusiasm as possible, in order to gain the most ground. We should start in by making as strong an impression as possible upon the subconscious mentality. Then we should be constantly inviting situations where you can keep the new resolution "only always." This "only always" idea gives life to more good resolutions than any other one cause. The moment you stand firm "only always, you place a solid wall that will, in the end, keep your resolution intact.
Equally important is the fact that each time you keep your resolution the stronger does your resolution become. Act upon your resolution as early and as often as possible, as with every manifestation of thought in action, the stronger does it become. You are adding to the strength of your original resolution every time you back it up with action.
The mind has been likened to a piece of paper that has been folded. Ever afterwards it has a tendency to fold in the same crease - unless we make a new crease or fold, when it will follow the last lines. And the creases are habits - every time we make one it is so much easier for the mind to fold along the same crease afterward. Let us make our mental creases in the right direction.
Training the Habit-Mind - Page 1
PROFESSOR William James, the well-known teacher of, and writer upon Psychology very truly says: "The great thing in all education is to make our nervous system our ally... For this we must make automatic and habitual, as early as possible, as many useful actions as we can... In the acquisition of a new habit, or the leaving off of an old one we must take care to launch ourselves with as strong and decided initiative as possible... Seize the very first possible opportunity to act on every resolution you make and on every emotional prompting you may experience, in the direction of the habits you aspire to gain."
This advice is along the lines familiar to all students of Mental Science, but it states the matter plainly. It impresses upon us the importance of passing on to the subconscious mind the proper impulses, so that they will become automatic and "second nature." Our subconscious mentality is a great storehouse for all sorts of suggestions from ourselves and others and, as it is the "habit-mind," we must be careful to send it the proper material from which it may make habits. If we get into the habit of doing things we love, we may be sure that the subconscious mentality will make it easier for us to do just the same thing over and over again, easier each time, until finally we are firmly bound with the ropes and chains of the habit, and find it more or less difficult, sometimes almost impossible, to free ourselves from the lovable thing.
We should cultivate good habits against the hour of need. The time will come when we will be required to put forth our best efforts, and it rests with us today whether that hour of need shall find us doing the proper thing automatically and almost without thought, and relaxing, free to do it with things that are in harmony with that which we desire at that moment.
This advice is along the lines familiar to all students of Mental Science, but it states the matter plainly. It impresses upon us the importance of passing on to the subconscious mind the proper impulses, so that they will become automatic and "second nature." Our subconscious mentality is a great storehouse for all sorts of suggestions from ourselves and others and, as it is the "habit-mind," we must be careful to send it the proper material from which it may make habits. If we get into the habit of doing things we love, we may be sure that the subconscious mentality will make it easier for us to do just the same thing over and over again, easier each time, until finally we are firmly bound with the ropes and chains of the habit, and find it more or less difficult, sometimes almost impossible, to free ourselves from the lovable thing.
We should cultivate good habits against the hour of need. The time will come when we will be required to put forth our best efforts, and it rests with us today whether that hour of need shall find us doing the proper thing automatically and almost without thought, and relaxing, free to do it with things that are in harmony with that which we desire at that moment.