Serenity is positive and life producing. Desire and Ambition are positive and life producing. A person may serene themselves to life and something will be accomplished, and let that person transmute their non serenity and discontent into Desire and Interest, coupled with a belief that they are able to make the change - the "I Can and I Will" idea - then something happens.
Yes, Love and Serenity must come before we can do much. One must proceed to invite these positive friends, along with Confidence and Hope. Transmute non serenity into keen Desire. Then you will find that Interest is awakened, and you will begin to think things of interest to you. Thoughts will come to you from the great reserve stock in your mind and you will start to manifest them in action. Moreover you will be placing yourself in harmony with similar thoughts of others, and will draw to you aid and assistance from the great volume of thought waves with which the world is filled. One draws to themselves thought waves corresponding in character with the nature of the prevailing thoughts in their own mind - their mental attitude. Then again they begin to set into motion the great Law of Attraction, whereby they draw to them others likely to help them, and is, in turn, attracted to others who can aid them. This Law of Attraction is real, a physical fact, a great live working principle of Nature, as anyone may learn by experimenting and observing.
To succeed in anything you must want it very much - Desire must be in evidence in order to attract. The person of strong desire attracts a lot to themselves. The stronger the Desire the greater the force set into motion. You must want a thing hard enough before you can get it. You must want it more than you do the things around you, and you must be prepared to pay the price for it. The price is focusing only on one desire. It all depends on what you want. As a rule, the greater the thing desired, the greater the price to be paid for it. Nature believes in adequate compensation.
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