I cite the above authorities merely to give you food for thought, not to attempt to demonstrate to you the fact that thought vibrations exist. The last-named fact has been fully established to the satisfaction of numerous investigators of the subject, and a little reflection will show you that it coincides with your own experiences.
We often hear repeated the well-known Mental Science statement, "Thoughts are Things," and when we say these words consciously realizing just what is the meaning of the statement. We fully comprehend the truth of the statement and the natural consequences of the truth back of it, we understand many things, and are able to use the wonderful power, Thought Force, just as we use any other manifestation of Energy.
As I have said, when we think we set into motion vibrations of a very high degree, but just as real as the vibrations of light, heat, sound, electricity. And when we understand the laws governing the production and transmission of these vibrations we will be able to use them in our daily life, just as we do the better known forms of energy. That we cannot see, hear, weigh or measure these vibrations is no proof that they do not exist. There exist waves of sound which no human ear can hear, although some of these are undoubtedly registered by the ear of some of the insects, and others are caught by delicate scientific instruments invented by us; yet there is a great gap between the sounds registered by the most delicate instrument and the limit which the human mind, reasoning by analogy, knows to be the boundary line between sound waves and some other forms of vibration. And there are light waves which the human eye does not register, some of which may be detected by more delicate instruments, and many more so fine that the instrument has not yet been invented which will detect them, although improvements are being made every year and the unexplored field gradually lessened.
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